Welcome to TesselLearn
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Meet two goals - Online course construction and support with accessibility in mind

TesselLearn founder, Janet Sedgley, is well versed in online course creation, construction, and maintenance with accessibility in mind. She taught for 12 years as an adjunct holding online and face-to-face courses and has experience in Blackboard, Moodle and Canvas. She served as technical support for campus and faculty for thirty years at the University of Montana and has used and supported Zoom for 5 years.

We are accustomed to working remotely and can engage easily with clients around the United States and the world.

Make sure your converted courses are available to all students

Digital accesibility is important because:

  1. Access to information is critical in this digital world. Individuals with disabilities use a variety of tools to access information on web pages, in documents, and in media. Many software and hardware modifications exist that allow such individual access to digital information. However, a wheelchair can provide access to a building only if the building has accessible features such as ramps, accessible restrooms and elevators. Similarly digital information requires the correct structure for the software and hardware modifications to work.
  2. The number of your clients who benefit from digital accessibility rises to at least 25% when non-English speakers, seniors and individuals with temporary disabilities are added to this number.
  3. Digital accessibility benefits many clients - not just those with disabilities. For example, captions are helpful to non-English speakers and to individuals listening to videos in noisy environments. In addition, many individuals benefit from the ability to create audio recordings from documents that are well tagged with headings and that can be announced and searched (e-books).
  4. Finally, captioning, web pages created to WCAG 2.1 standards and accessible documents increase search engine optimization (SEO). And more visibility for your institution is never a bad thing!

Get help converting your face-to-face courses to accessible online courses

Let there be a silver lining in the need for rapid deployment of courses into the online environment. Solve two issues at once by hiring the company that knows both digital accessibility AND online teaching.